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Gitea, Golang, GoReleaser and Drone CI - Part 1
- Gitea, Golang, GoReleaser and Drone CI - Part 1 <- You are Here
- Gitea, Golang, GoReleaser and Drone CI - Part 2
- Gitea, Golang, GoReleaser and Drone CI - Part 3
- Gitea, Golang, GoReleaser and Drone CI - Part 4
Okay so I mentioned in a recent post that I was going to write up how I used GoReleaser, Drone CI and Gitea to release a Golang project. I’ve decided to go one better and create a demo project for you to try it out yourself. Before getting into it though, there’s something we need to discuss.
The Drone CI documentation on Gitea mentions the following.
Please note we strongly recommend installing Drone on a dedicated instance. We do not recommend installing Drone and Gitea on the same machine due to network complications, and we definitely do not recommend installing Drone and Gitea on the same machine using docker-compose.
Network complications? 🤔 Well, it’s to do with the different networks at play. When you fire up docker-compose, it automatically creates a little dedicated network where you can resolve the other services by their name, no sweat.
Here’s a snippet of the compose.yaml
- DRONE_GITEA_SERVER=http://gitea:3000
image: drone/drone-runner-docker:1
container_name: drone-runner
And here’s the network created.
$ docker compose up -d
$ docker network ls
d945699fb57c go-goreleaser-drone-example_default bridge local
You can see that service referencing at play twice in the compose.yaml
, in the environment variables. http://gitea:3000
will resolve to the IP address of the Gitea container created. So where’s the problem? Well, the Drone CI Docker Runner creates containers to run your CI/CD pipeline. These containers are not inside the docker-compose network, so they can’t resolve http://gitea:3000
. See below for the sad-face experience when a runner begins with the above config.
Initialized empty Git repository in /drone/src/.git/
+ git fetch origin +refs/heads/master:
fatal: unable to access 'http://gitea:3000/gitea/test.git/': Failed to connect to gitea port 3000: Connection refused
How can we work around this?
One, you could provide the IP address of the host running docker-compose in the compose.yaml
. Note you only need to swap out the references to the Gitea service.
image: drone/drone-runner-docker:1
container_name: drone-runner
Two, you could edit the /etc/hosts
1 config on the host running docker-compose to resolve the service names to the docker host, or the IP address of the docker desktop host.
$ ip a
5: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether 00:15:5d:b0:24:13 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global eth0
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 fe80::215:5dff:feb0:2413/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
is the IP address I need to add to the hosts file. I’ve also added drone
here so that I can reach it easily from a browser at http://drone:8080
. gitea drone
I prefer the second method but it’s really up to you. The first method is better if you’re going to be accessing from multiple hosts, as you don’t want to have to update the hosts file on every machine. This is just a demo, so the latter is fine.
Okay, detour complete, in the next post we’ll actually start bringing things online!
On Windows,
. I’ll need to run your text editor as administrator to be able to edit this file. ↩︎